Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Teacher's Broken Heart Speaks

Sound check puff puff 1,2,3...
Dear students of 4B and 4SN, I dedicate this to you (luahan hati seorang guru yang meradang)

Why don't you do your homework?
Every night I sleep very late;
24 hours thinking of changing your fate.

Why don't you do your homework?
It is just a piece of essay;
I gave you 5 days and still you choose to delay?

Why don't you do your homework?
I don't mean to be rude
But I am so disappointed with your attitude

Why don't you do your homework?
10 questions shared by two;
Is it remain as a huge burden on you?

Why don't you do your homework?
I thought we had exchanged our pleasantry
The next day you came to me with your lame sorry

Why don't you do your homework?
You can say that your life is so busy,
Yet you are actually making my life easy.

Why don't you do your homework?
Can't you see that I am doing my bit?
Just to see you reach the summit

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