Thursday, April 21, 2011

Para-para sakura

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

Scene 1 (in Ipi's room)
Time: 8.30pm
Temperature: 9degree
Humidity: 72%

[Kriukk, the door was opened, Ipi was a bit shocked, luckily she din show me a snarled look]

Ayuni: Ipi, awak join x swimming? Semua orang mcm da pegi je.Sape lagi ek yg xpnh jenguk pool tu?
Ipi: Ramai lagi kot, Ummi, Es, Geng tu xpegi
Ayuni: Saya xminat swimming xsuka.Tp semua org da join, terasa loser la plk
Ipi: Xpe2, sy xde duit so sy xkn pegi, for the time being. Haha
Ayuni: Sy xminat la nk basah2, dh la xtahu berenang pon. Ngeri kot kaki x cecah dasar kolam. Semua org da terer..aa.hbtnye.. sy against mainstream!

Scene 2 (at the lounge)
[Ipi and viki eating Indomee, Tazi is still in her prayer hijab and me drinking hot Milo]
Time: A while back,

Tazi: Fatin pandai berenang tapi so far still kat tepi2 lagi, xke deep end
Ayuni: Oh fatin pon join eh, cop sape lagi ye xpegi swimming
Tazi: Eh yuni ko ni paranoid la.Biar la pegi ke x, xde orang kesah pon
Ipi: Ntahnye.dr tadi dia dok risau
Tazi: Kadang2 heran gak ko ni paranoid sangat. Ko suka pikir benda2 yg orang xkan pikir, siap bagi term tertentu plk tu utk situasi tu.Haha.padahal xde benda pon
Viki: Betul2 viki setuju. Viki pon paranoid jugak, at times when I feel  that I had switched off the lights, I tend to go and check again. Tapi xde la macam Yuni..hehe
Ipi: Haha..risau sgt bile xikut mainstream
Viki: Betul2. I agree with both of you.. [Nodding and eating up her noodles]
Ayuni: Mane adee..[Face turning blue] I afflicted with paranoia? Oh no. But, maybe..erk..I am just expressing my concern towards certain things..em, yes those which are among the unnecessary. Before anything else, let me research about paranoia.

Symptom 1
"They are forever anticipating that something awful will happen, and trying to second-guess what their adversaries might do. They focus on their fears for the future, and take little account of the majority of times when the past has proved them wrong".
[78% related]

Symptom 2
"Irrationally jealous, or believe that their thoughts and actions are being controlled or monitored"
[the former doesn't make sense but the following descriptions are quite an alikeness with my self]

Ok fine, paranoid la tu. Thanks to my house mates for making me realize about this matter. Day by day I begin to know myself better as everything seems to be more transparent. Thanks Tazi Ipi n Viki.There are things about our attitude that we might not see until after someone points it out.
Anyway, this issue is quite confounding even though it is benign. The least that can be done perhaps by being more laid back and chill out. Alleviating, if not preventing it in total.

Paranoia?How could this be possible?

Serabut weh lok


  1. we've come up with many terms for you lately. yuni the masochist yuni the paranoid etc. this identification should be a good thing to get you stop harming yourself any further

  2. another symptom would be living in denial. fearful of things might be untrue, denying reality that could transpire. related to the 1st symptom i think

  3. LOL.I've got to stop analysing.
    It drives me nuts XD
    Thanks for reading Miss Anon. Jom tidoq zz

  4. another term referring to ayuni:
    ayuni disorder or disorder ayuni
    (both sound cool:P)

  5. haha disorder ni buruk sgt la konotasinya
