Dear diary,
Yesterday, the gems of my life, Abah and Ma left to the holy city of Mecca for umrah. Alhamdulillah, the gracious Him gave another opportunity for them to be there once again. I am so pleased when they said to me that they wanted to perform umrah. Despite the bittersweet situation that they broke the promise of bringing me there..sobs, I feel happy for them, and of course in years to come i will be asking for a rain check >.<
I witnessed how they put effort to save the money, work hard in handling the guest houses, how they jogged around the housing area of ours to gain stamina..hehe. They are in their early 60's but insha-Allah, they are physically capable of doing all the rites involved in umrah.. and ma, she is quite weak, relying on pills everyday, but she carries herself with determination and strong intention. Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah.
Abah asked me once, Yuni nak suruh abah doa ape?? I simply replied, ape2 je yang terbaik untuk Yuni..heehe. Abah, actually I have lots of things to be requested earnestly from Allah, perhaps can you ask all of these in front of Kaabah? >,<
1. Abah and ma remain healthy
2. First class degree (I really doubt with the number of As I got so far,,,will there be hope still?) T.T
3. Being someone's mrs before the age of 27.. 1.5.2015//hehe ok berangan la setinggi everest
4. Finish my Masters study before becoming 30
5. Lose more weight...erk...uhuk2
6. To be able to memorize more surah
7. I want to be posted in considerably civilised and safe area next year
8. I want my children to have fair complexion..oh no..will that be possible?:D
9. I want to live in the UK again, for academic reason, with my own family
10. ultimately...I want to enter the garden of everlasting happiness.. syurga Adnin, adorned with pearls, dressed in silk..wahhh Subhanallah..
OK abah..this seems too much. Tolong doakan.. "my daughter Ayuni wants to be happy, in whatever way that seems best for her. Amin.. "
Take care abah..take care ma. Semoga perjalanan abah and ma diberkati-Nya. I love you more than anything in this world :)